Taqwa Expansion Project

The Taqwa Professional and Commercial Center is a large development project with an estimated $3.5 Million of expense. This larger facility will accommodate more people during prayer and solve a long standing issue of inadequate parking space during Juma prayers and other major activity. The ground floor of this new construction will be a commercial business center intended to provide financial support to the Islamic Center of Osceola County (ICOC).

The ICOC is a non profit organization, and welcomes everyone's participation in the establishment of this center that will serve the Muslim Community of Central Florida forever.

You are invited to contribute to the this project by making monetary donation, or any other means possible. Your contribution will be tax exempt. The Masjid will issue you a letter acknowledging your contribution at the end of the year.

May Allah give each one of us the ability to earn reward from this great opportunity.

Please click on the button below to make a donation towards this project.

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Prayer Times

Monday, March 10th 2025

FAJR 6:23 6:45
ZUHR 1:37 2:00
ASR 5:52 6:30
MAGHRIB 7:31 Sunset + 3
ISHA 8:51 9:15
Juma Salah:
English Talk: 1:30 pm; Khutba 2:00 pm

Second Juma Salah
Khutba 3:00 pm

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